Welcome. I take campaigns to the next level, by giving them a second glance to ensure they are diverse, inclusive and culturally relevant. I am a multicultural advertising guru with a spirited imagination in solving the most complex marketing challenges.

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The best ideas are human, simple, and inclusive.


Hola. My name is Daglius Mariangee Merino and go by my middle name. I was born in Venezuela and have lived in Columbus, Ohio since I was 7 years old. I speak three languages fluently, Spanish is my native tongue, English being my dominant language and French is my third that I use conversationally and learned it when I lived in Belgium as an exchange student.

I have over 15+ years experience as a senior leader in multicultural brand marketing for organizations across the United States. My passion and eagerness to help started when I was a teller at a bank in an underserved community. I wanted to give other immigrants and people of color the same information about finances as everyone else so that they could succeed and fulfill on their American dream.

Today, I consult with organizations to provide a second glance at their campaigns. I am your partner during any stage of the marketing process to provide you the gut check you need to ensure your campaigns are on target, reaching an inclusive audience and ultimately, protecting the organization’s brand image from making subconscious and unwanted multicultural marketing and advertising bleeps.

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