Digital Product Marketing


Mastering a new skill can take years but mastering digital banking is intuitive.



Mobile App Banking

Business Objective

Increase self-service through mobile banking.


Deliver an integrated marketing campaign with seamless UX to increase digital adoption – self service.

Consumer Insight

New financial tools seem complicated to me.

Creative Solution

Position mobile banking as an easy task compared to the rest of life. Select real life people who culturally connect with our audience to demonstrate the it takes only a few steps to complete a mobile banking transaction. Simple and done!

Product Solution

Position mobile banking as an easy task compared to the rest of life. Select real life people who culturally connect with our audience to demonstrate the


So You Can: Masters

Connecting with our target and more.

We could have chosen any type of dance in Latinx culture, such as salsa, merengue or bachata. But we wanted it to connect with as many people as possible. Therefore, we considered a dance style, Tango, that could be appreciated among any Latinx population. Tango is a beautiful and detail art of dance that could connect with many people and was a good juxtaposition compared to the ease of mobile banking.

This campaign tested strongly among both Hispanic and general market consumers in coastal cities, such as New York, Los Angeles and Miami. Therefore, we were able to leverage this creative to run on both Spanish and English language networks.

An integrated marketing campaign

This collection of work flowed through every marketing channel to delivered a unified and consistent message. It consisted of digital channels, in-branch m merchandising, televisions, audio a dance flash mob at a Chase branch, press release with the Leonardo and Miriam and more.

Digital Banner – Display

Agency of record for campaign was Zubi.